Security is something that can keep a cannabis facility manager up at night. Businesses often start small and grow rapidly, only to discover that their piecemealed systems offer little protection and no longer meet compliance guidelines. Where do you go from here?
The biggest problem often comes with the video surveillance system. You can buy a $100 camera and one for $1,000. Yes, the difference is in the bells and whistles. But without defining what you really need, you could be throwing money away.
Seeing the future
It starts by clearly defining your goals before ever looking at what you’ll need for surveillance. This is currently most businesses’ biggest hurdle because it’s difficult to know what you’ll need in the future. Your business will change. So will the rules. How do you ensure you encompass all that when you’re first starting out? Accommodation may be crucial to your system’s build. It’s vital that everything – cameras, alarm system, sensors, access – work together and is available at a click of a mouse. If you want to add and upgrade, it’s as easy as installing the next piece.
Thinking big picture
Being in a fast-growing industry means there are a wide variety of things vying for your attention each day. And security often takes a back seat. Yet the cannabis industry continues to be one of the most targeted industries for theft. Reports say as much as 90 percent of financial and product loss within the marijuana industry comes from the employees themselves. If the security system is built on a shoestring budget, employees quickly learn the weakest points. Sophisticated security systems not only help deter theft, but also offer more protection to help you do your job better.
More growth, more opportunity
You care about growing your business and improving your product. Becoming a security expert is rarely on a cannabis facility manager’s mind. Yet because of the growth in this industry, the rules change daily in some circumstances. New laws and regulations are constantly being put into play. New security products are being introduced to the market. How about a drone that can fly day or night, helping you watch over your fields?
While gaining new customers, adding new products, and watching revenues grow makes it an exciting time to be in the cannabis business, you could be setting yourself up for a fall if you aren’t paying particular attention to security.
Having the right video surveillance system early on in your growth means you can make better decisions, protect both people and your property, as well as improve the way your business flows.
How well is your video surveillance system working for your business?
For IT Strategy, Security and Compliance, or Help Desk Services, reach out to us at Cannabis Technology Partners 360-450-4759.