Cyber hygiene is similar in that it prods you to be proactive in taking on cybersecurity protocols regularly. Just like personal hygiene, you learn where threats are, how to overcome them, and strategies to keep your data as safe as possible.
Build up your daily habits with tools that’ll keep you safe from harm.
Select the right tools for the job
To have clean teeth, you need a quality toothbrush that can help get your teeth sparkling clean. Without the proper tool, it would be challenging to get the job done.
Your information can’t be well protected without tools like antivirus and malware software, firewalls, and password protection. Are they up to date? Are they appropriate for your business? Do they work across all platforms, keeping you safe no matter if you’re sitting at your desk at work, or traveling with a mobile device? If you aren’t sure, it might be a problem.
Be thorough
You know checkups are an essential part of your routine, but do you always schedule them on time? Pushing them can cause minor problems to escalate.
It’s similar to your cybersecurity plan. What you don’t know can hurt you. Old technology gets weaker over time, and without a knowledgeable resource keeping an eye out for potential problems, it’s easy for unscrupulous behavior to sneak in. As you download new apps, delete files from your computer, add in new software, or sign up for a new service, it’s important to understand how it impacts your overall strategy.
Make it a routine
Like brushing your teeth each day, cyber hygiene works if you make it a part of your daily routine. Teach your entire staff simple strategies to keep your data safer.
Get started by calendaring various activities. You should do things like check for security patches, update operating systems for each device, scan for viruses, change passwords, and other routine items.
If you do it enough, it will be a regular habit for you and your team.
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