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How do you manage your data?

There are many benefits to moving your business into the cloud. But if technology isn’t your thing, where do you start? Businesses move to the cloud for a variety of reasons:

  • It’s cost-efficient – you won’t have to buy expensive data centers, programs, or on-site servers.
  • It’s secure – data backed up to the cloud is encrypted, and allows providers to monitor and update security features.
  • It enables remote working – you’ll have access to your data wherever you choose to login, from anywhere in the world.
  • It allows collaboration – it makes it easy for multiple people, including third-party vendors, to have access to and work with your data.
  • It’s always up to date – you’ll never have to buy expensive updates to programs again. You’ll always be working with the latest version, and know you’re well protected

And that’s just the start. The Internet of Things is changing the way we all work. By moving to the cloud now, you’ll have better access to the latest technology.

But if you’re still holding back, not quite sure where to begin, here are a few tips to help your migration be as seamless as possible.

Dive in

While you might consider yourself a novice at working with technology, don’t let that hold you back. It’s easier than ever to start learning about what’s available to you. Do a little research, and discover easy ways to expand your knowledge. Learn the terminology and dive into the basics.

Know what you want

While you don’t have to understand all of your options yet, it does help to know what you’re looking for. Are you looking for data storage? Are you looking for ways to share files with your team? How about a recovery or backup plan? Are you doing all you can for security? Even a general understanding of what you’re looking for will help you sort through your options.

Build your team

By using cloud-based applications, you’re building a team to help you operate your business more efficiently. Don’t be afraid to use the resources they provide. Ask questions. Use their training resources for your entire team. These people can help you build for the future.

Set goals

Each portion of your business should have goals to help you achieve more. Your IT is no different. Are you looking for stronger security? A better way to access data? More efficient systems? Quantify your goals to ensure you know you are meeting your targets, and you’re getting the most from each goal you set.

Prioritize security

Most cannabis businesses move to cloud-based practices for better security. It keeps your data safely off-site, and puts someone else in charge of updates, ensuring the data is secure. But don’t lean too heavily into this belief. Ensure the cloud-based applications you do use have proper security measures.

Start with hybrid solutions

You don’t have to jump in with both feet at the beginning. If you have a working system, migrate slowly to cloud-based resources. Take time to invest in the right services to help you grow and stay secure.

Ask for support

Cloud-based resources only help if you use them to their fullest potential. As for help when you need it. Rely on a team to ensure you’re using technology to its best ability. Rely on others to help you along.

You do what you do best. Building a team gives you the right resources when you need them most.

If you need help deciding on what IT strategy will work well for your cannabis business, we can help you solidify your IT decisions.

For IT Strategy, Security and Compliance, or Help Desk Services, reach out to us at Cannabis Technology Partners 360-450-4759.