Even when your business primarily involves products and services to a local target market, there are still many ways your employees will access technology. They may travel for business. They may work from home. They may need access to technology on the fly, as they do their jobs from many different locations.
Can your digital strategy handle all of that? Do you have an employee technology plan that will help your cannabis business grow?
New technology can improve all aspects of your business. But even in 2023, some emerging technologies are more popular today than others. Global leaders may be all in with cloud technology, but AI remains low with 1 in 4 considering using it in their organizations.
What happens at the top has to be filtered through all levels of business. If you can’t get your employees on board, you’ll have difficulty implementing new technology into your daily activities. Workers resist for a variety of reasons, including:
- Lack of communication
- Failing to see the benefits
- Lack of confidence in the technology
- Failing to see a use for it
- Feeling threatened by it
- Resenting management for more adding more responsibility
New technology often seems good on paper, but without proper follow-through, you’ll have a tough time bringing your employees on board. How do you help employees accept new technology? With an employee technology plan in place.
Ask for their input
Nothing empowers employees more than feeling like they’re part of the decision. Before you rush out and invest in new technology, ask what’s missing first. You can do this as simply as with a survey or questionnaire. Depending on the size of your organization, organize a committee for better follow-through. You can also utilize an outside partnership to help you assess what will help improve your current processes the most.
Nobody likes surprises if they bring about sudden change. Transparency should be a part of the process from the moment you start considering new technology. Talk about your path to new technology. Encourage questions and feedback. Seriously look at comments, and address concerns from the moment they’re asked. From email to live events, the more you keep employees in the loop, the more accepting they will be.
Provide training
Don’t expect every employee to come on board and be proficient quickly. Realize employees will have different needs, and base various training opportunities around what they need most. Again, ask them what they prefer. Some may like 1-on-1 training while others may select videos at their desks. However you choose to train, it should include a bulk training session up front to answer immediate questions and concerns, with follow-up training to help with proficiency.
Provide a reason to use it
Most of us fall back on old methods when given an opportunity. It’s easier to stick with something you know than reach beyond your comfort zone. It may benefit you to create reasons for employees to continue with new systems beyond the training sessions. Workshops can help because employees can work together and support one another as they learn. Friendly competition can also push employees to continue to use something new.
Celebrate success
As you have successes with new technology, celebrate your victories. When you cut hours out of a process, ensure everyone knows it. When it makes something easier, offer rewards. This doesn’t have to be a big deal. Even quick acknowledgments can make a world of difference.
More than ever, people don’t work solely for the money. They’re looking for fulfillment, growth, and opportunity. An IBM HR survey found that it’s more than three times as essential to base pay decisions only on the skills you have, but on future skills and the supply and demand for those skills. It’s what employees want.
And it’s what today’s successful businesses should strive for.
For IT Strategy, Security and Compliance, or Help Desk Services, reach out to us at Cannabis Technology Partners 360-450-4759.